A number of unnamed emperors are featured or mentioned in the Discworld novels.One Sun Mirror, the first Agatean Emperor and unifier of the Counterweight Continent.
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The Agatean Empire is featured in the Discworld series of novels by Terry Pratchett. Edelgard is also the leader of the Black Eagle House at the Officers Academy and disguises herself under a male persona, called the Flame Emperor, in attempt to overthrow the Church of Seiros and conquer the other nations in Fódlan. Formerly the crown princess and heir apparent, she becomes the crowned "emperor" of Adrestia following her brief reunion with her ailing father Ionius, although many of her siblings had died after being imbued with Crests.Empress Edelgard von Hresvelg (aka Flame Emperor).He even had Lord Volkhard von Arundel, Anselma's brother who returned from Faerghus to Adrestia as its regent, allied himself publicly with Duke Aegir to capture Ionius's children, except one daughter Princess Edelgard, and infuse them with two " Crests" in attempt to create a powerful, peerless emperor. During the coup of the Insurrection of the Seven, Ionius lost the power struggle to the Prime Minister, Duke Ludwig von Aegir, and other imperial noble houses and was rendered politically impotent. He was the previous ruler of Adrestia and the head of House Hresvelg who had multiple empress consorts, including Anselma von Arundel (who later becomes Lady Patricia of Faerghus).Wilhelm was eventually succeeded by Emperor Lycaon I, whose death led the War of Heroes to finally end after the Adrestian Army achieved victory with Seiros slaying Nemesis. He was the first monarch who, alongside Saint Seiros of the Church of Seiros (aka Archbishop Rhea), found the Adrestian Empire and raised an army in pursuit of unifying Fódlan, before the evil Nemesis, the King of Liberation, noticed Adrestia's efforts and railed his forces, the Liberation Army, to confront his enemy, sparking the War of Heroes.Maas.Īdrestia is an empire in the fictional continent of Fódlan in the video game, Fire Emblem: Three Houses. King Dorian Havillard, the former crown prince, succeeded his father the previous King of Adarlan in the Throne of Glass series of novels by Sarah J.Elias Acorn becomes the new King of the Kingdom of Acorn after his father's abdication.King Maximillian Acorn (also known as King Nigel Acorn) is the rightful ruler of the Kingdom of Acorn and the father of Elias and Sally Acorn.The Kingdom of Acorn is featured in the Archie Comics series, Sonic the Hedgehog.